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黎明列車:曾貴海詩集(英語版)The Dawn Train:Collected Poems of Tseng Kuei-hai
定價:380 元
EAN : 9786267242513
叢書系列: 翻譯系列
平裝 / 272頁
《黎明列車:曾貴海詩集》英語與西語版翻譯出版,整理精選台灣最具代表性當代詩人之一的曾貴海的132首詩作與世界對話。身為客籍作家,曾貴海不僅以華文、客語文創作,也採用台語文創作,其關注的族群涵蓋了台灣土地上的原住民,以書寫跨越族群,記錄歷史。客家委員會推動客家文學海外推廣,透過這部作品的英語、西語版讓世界更進一步認識台灣與客家文學。 The publication of the English and Spanish translations of The Dawn Train: Collected Poems of Tseng Kuei-hai features an organized and carefully curated selection of 132 poems by Tseng Kuei-hai, one of Taiwan's most representative contemporary poets, to engage in a dialogue with the world. As a Hakka author, Tseng not only writes in Chinese and Hakka, but also in Taiwanese. His focus encompasses the indigenous tribes of Taiwan, transcending ethnic groups through writing and documenting history. The Hakka Affairs Council promotes Hakka literature overseas, allowing the world to further understand Taiwan and Hakka literature through the English and Spanish versions of this work.
作者簡介 Tseng Kuei-hai is from Pingtung, Taiwan. Tseng graduated from the School of Medicine at Kaohsiung Medical College. He was formerly the Director of the Thoracic Medicine Department. Tseng is very active in public affairs; he was formerly the Chairperson of the Association for the Development of Weiwuying Park, the Chairperson of the Takao Green Association for Ecology and Humane Studies, the Chairman of Taiwan South Society, the President of Literary Taiwan (文學台灣) magazine and the Head of Li Poetry Society. He began his creative work in the mid-1960s and has been awarded the Wu Zhuo-liu Literary Award for Modern Poetry, the Kaohsiung Culture and Arts Award, the 20th Oxford Prize for Taiwanese Writers, the 2017 7th Hakka Lifetime Achievement Award and the International Poetry Award at Ecuador's XV Festival de Poes?a de Guayaquil Ileana Espinel Cede?o in 2022; he was also nominated for the 2023 Nobel Prize in Literature. The author has published 14 poetry collections along with literary critiques, nature writing, and song collections among other works, amounting to over 20 books in total. ? 編者/譯者/繪者簡介 Wu Shu-hwa Shirley Wu Shu-hwa Shirley currently teaches at the University of Queensland, Australia. She obtained her PhD at the School of Languages and Cultures, University of Queensland. Her area of research includes Taiwanese literature, translation studies, and Aboriginal literature. In recent years, Wu has undertaken translation projects sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Taiwan and the Hakka Affairs Council. Wu's publications include Voices from the Mountain:Taiwanese Aboriginal Literature English translation, The Anthology of Taiwan Indigenous Literature - Short Stories I and II ; Prose and Poetry (co-authored), and Self-portrait at Dusk 黃昏自畫像:曾貴海華英西三語詩集 (English translator). Wu is the translator of Section III and IV. - Ana Enjuei G?mez Liu Ana Enjuei G?mez Liu was born into a Spanish-Taiwanese family in
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