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閩南─西班牙歷史文獻叢刊四:新刊格物窮理便覽Hokkien Spanish Historical Document Series IV: S?mbolo d
作者:Fabio Yuchung Lee(李毓中), Tsung-jen Chen(陳宗仁), Jos?
定價:2000 元
EAN : 9786269632565
叢書系列: 歷史文獻叢書
精裝 / 696頁
本書現藏於奧地利國家圖書館,為西班牙道明會神父Thomas Mayor所寫,他為了向馬尼拉唐人宣揚天主教教義,在當地唐人的協助下,使用閩南語翻譯教義,並於1607年由唐人刻版印刷傳世。全書分成三卷,第一卷主要是講述當時西方的科學知識,第二卷是《聖經》故事,第三卷主要講述天主教的知識,並批評當時唐人的宗教信仰。全書具體呈現出大航海時代唐人與西班牙人在宗教、科學知識交流的過程與成果,為人類「世界記憶」(Memory of the World)的重要資產。 This book is a collection of the ?sterreichische Nationalbibliothek. It was written by the Dominican priest Thomas Mayor for the purpose of spreading Catholic doctrines among the Chinese in Manila. With the help of some Chinese locals, the doctrines were translated into Hokkien, and the xylographic copies by the Chinese were published in 1607. The book consists of 3 parts, with the first one concerning contemporary western scientific knowledge, the second one stories from the Bible, and the third one mainly concerning Catholic knowledge and criticism of Chinese religious beliefs of the period. The book presents a vivid picture of the process as well as the results of exchanges between the Chinese and the Spanish on religion and science in the Age of Exploration, making it a valuable asset of the Memory of the World.
編者簡介 李毓中,清大歷史所副教授 陳宗仁,中研院台史所副研究員 Jos? Luis Ca?o Ortigosa,西班牙加的斯大學總體經濟系助理教授
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