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(平)TASTE TAIWAN: Recipes from Taiwanese Home Kitchens
作者:Chelsea Tsai蔡佩君
出版社:Cookinn Taiwan
定價:699 元
EAN : 9786269779116
叢書系列: 英文食譜
平裝 / 230頁
TASTE TAIWAN: Recipes from Taiwanese Home Kitchen 為國內出版的第一本全英文台灣味食譜書,集結多年的國內外教學精華,從台灣飲食發展史、調味料、烹飪方法、文化故事切入,完整解析台灣菜的調味和烹飪技巧。並收錄7大分類、67道經典台灣料理食譜,從滷肉飯、鹽酥雞、蚵仔麵線等家常菜和小吃,到紅蟳米糕、南部粽、蛋黃酥等節慶手路菜!TASTE TAIWAN為一本向全世界展示台灣味的經典著作,是送給國際友人的最佳質感禮物! Cookinn Taiwan presents its first cookbook 'TASTE TAIWAN: Recipes from Taiwanese Home Kitchens.' The book unlocks the secrets of 67 authentic Taiwanese home-cooking recipes, including Lu Rou Fan, Gua Bao, Popcorn Chicken, Scallion Pancakes, Boba tea, and more. Vibrant photographs and engaging narratives bring the pages alive, immersing you in the heart of Taiwan's food culture. This cookbook is your passport to Taiwanese flavors anywhere!
蔡佩君為Cookinn Taiwan創辦?、廚藝?師、?譜作家、同時育有兩個孩?。2014年於藍帶廚藝學院東京分校進修後,回台灣開始投入飲食教育領域。2018年創辦Cookinn Taiwan旅?料理教室,不遺餘力推廣著台灣豐富多元的飲食文化。至今已迎接來自52個國家的超過15,000名國際旅客。近年多次受交通部觀光署的邀請,到英國、美國、加拿大、馬來西亞、澳洲和紐西蘭等地進行精彩的教學推廣。並曾教導AIT美國在台協會、台北市首長、波蘭和美國議員團製作台灣料理。2020年,Cookinn Taiwan榮獲TripAdvisor旅行者之選大獎,同時與故宮博物院合開主題課程,證明了他們的優異服務品質和聲譽。 Chelsea Tsai (蔡佩君) is a culinary arts educator, food writer, devoted mother of two, and the founder of Cookinn Taiwan. Born and raised in Taiwan, her gastronomic journey began under the guidance of her mother and grandaunt and evolved into mastery at Le Cordon Bleu Tokyo. In 2015, Tsai embarked on her teaching career in the culinary arts. Three years later, driven by a profound love for her homeland and an unwavering passion for food, she established Cookinn Taiwan --- an award-winning cooking school in Taipei dedicated to deepening understanding of local cuisine. Alongside her team, Tsai has emerged as an impassioned global emissary of Taiwanese food and culture.
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