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Buddha-Dharma: Pure and Simple 1:佛法真義 A 21st Century Guide to Buddhist Teachings
作者:Venerable MasterHsing Yun 主編:Editor-in-Chief:Venerable Mi
定價:250 元
EAN : 9789574575121
叢書系列: 文選
平裝 / 210頁
In today's Buddhist sphere, numerous claims have been made on what the Buddha has taught. However, were they truly spoken by the Buddha? The Buddha-Dharma: Pure and Simple series is an exploration of over 300 topics, where Venerable Master Hsing Yun clarifies the Buddha's teachings in a way that is accessible and relevant to modern readers. Erroneous Buddhist views should be corrected, the true meaning of the Dharma must be preserved in order to hold true to the original intents of the Buddha. This first installment contains 52 articles on the topics of faith and doctrine, laying the foundation for readers to learn and practice in the Buddha's footsteps. Moreover, it also serves as an inspiration for practitioners to strive for Buddhahood and believe that "I am a Buddha."
Venerable Master Hsing Yun is the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order. A Buddhist monk for over eighty years, he has dedicated his entire life to propagating the teachings of Humanistic Buddhism throughout the world.
客戶專線:02-27953656     客戶信箱:red0511@ms51.hinet.net
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