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The Snopes Family and the Yoknapatawpha County
作者:Morris Wei-Hsin Tien
定價:200 元
叢書系列: 歐美研究所
平裝 / 97頁
The three Snopes novels are unified by more than stories and social themes. The central narrative structure and the techniques of characterization create relationships among form, technique, and function which add a special dimension to the reading of any one of those novels. This study begins by rejecting the idea that 'Snopesism' refers to the whole Snopes clan; nor are the acquisitiveness, inhumanity, and stasis of Snopesism referring to Flem Snopes himself only. Both in Frenchman's Bend and Jefferson, the inhabitants have been confronted with their weaknesses, made active in Flem. Therefore, 'Snopesism is a mirror that truthfully reflect the evils that permeate society.' And the Snopes characters represent a cross section of men in general. ?
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