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The Ideological Imperative: Repression and Resistance in Recent American Theory
作者:Murray Krieger
定價:280 元
EAN : 9789576711176
叢書系列: 歐美研究所
平裝 / 125頁
This volume is a revised and expanded version of three lectures originally delivered at Academia Sinica in Taipei on the present state of theory in the United States. To these an epilogue and an interview have been added. Professor Krieger is addressing the extent to which ideological concerns have imposed themselves on the recent history of theory, even to the point of threatening the continuing pursuit of the discipline. He speaks of the dangers, as well as the gains, to be found in this widely observed development. Krieger begins by tracing the history of theory in the university, from its early invasion of literature departments around mid-century to its emergence as a major force seeking to transform and merge all the academic departments within the humanities and, perhaps, the social sciences as well. He thus follows the movement from literary criticism to literary theory and then to critical theory, the latter growing into a recent set of enquiries that stem from a far broader---and often ideologically sponsored---theoretical ambition. This movement leads also from the early days of criticism as one of several literary activities to the claims of theory as itself an imperializing academic institution. In his second essay Krieger narrows in on a minor voice in the theoretical tradition that, throughout the history of criticism in the West, claims to find in the verbal arts a special license to undermine the ideologies that, outside its arts, a culture's discourse carries uncritically within itself. In his final essay he discovers within America---and beyond that the Western---critical tradition the source of the conflict between the ideological and the aesthetic traditions, and he proposes a resolution that will not betray the extraordinary, the more than ideological, responses that the work of verbal art lets loose in us. ?
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