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After the Storm: American Society a Decade after the Vietnam War
作者:Institute of American Culture, Academia Sinica
定價:500 元
叢書系列: 歐美研究所
平裝 / 616頁
This book contains the proceedings of an international conference on ' The U.S.A.: A Decade After the Vietnam War, ' held between June 6-8, 1986 by the Institute of American Culture, predecessor of the Institute of European and American Studies. More than 130 scholars, from both Taiwan and abroad, attended the conference. Among the prominent foreign participants were Professors Philip E. Converse (University of Michigan), William Crotty (Northwestern University), Samuel P. Hays (University of Pittsburgh), M. Kent Jennings (University of Michigan), and Warren E. Miller (Arizona State University). The Proceedings includes a keynote speech given by Professor Hays and nineteen papers contributed by twenty scholars. Its contents cover a wide range of topics, including: 'American Society and Politics Since the Vietnam War,' American Political Parties and the Search for Identity: Trends Since Vietnam,' 'The Enduring Impact of the Vietnam War on American Public Opinion,' 'The Vietnam Generation in Perspective,' 'The Impact of the New Right on American Electoral Politics,' 'A New Context for Presidential Politics in the United States: The Reagan Legacy,' 'The Impact of Reaganomics on U.S. Foreign Economic Policy,' 'The U.S. Economy and Financial Markets Since the Vietnam War and the Oil Embargo of 1973,' 'The Vietnam War and the American Foreign Service,' 'The Opinion-Policy Relationship Re-examined: A Brief Assessment of America's China Policy Since the Vietnam War,' 'Recent Changes in Attitudes Toward Women's Roles in the United States,' and 'Asians in the United States:A Mid-1980s Profile.
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