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East Asian Middle Classes in Comparative Perspective
作者:edited by Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao
定價:500 元
EAN : 9789576716225
叢書系列: 民族學研究所
精裝 / 497頁
This volume is revised versions of papers originally presented at an international conference. It is based has been organiaed to explore: 1. empirically the composition of class structure in the above four major East Asian capital cities; 2. how the middle class is situated in the overall class structure and how various segments of the middle class are constructed in each East Asian society; 3. the making of the overall social, cultural, economic and political character of the East Asian middle classes; 4. the inter-class and intra-class differences that can be considered to be the unique class characters of the East Asian middle classes; and 5. the relations between the emergence of the middle classes and political democratization in East Asia.
客戶專線:02-27953656     客戶信箱:red0511@ms51.hinet.net
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