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知青頻道   宇河文化
Ethnicity in Taiwan: Social, Historical, and Cultural Perspectives (台灣的族群關係)
作者:edited by Chen Chung-min, Chuang Ying-chang, Huang Shu-min
定價:300 元
EAN : 9789576712340
叢書系列: 民族學研究所
平裝 / 192頁
This book is the outcome of a conference which was held by the Center for East Asian Studies, Ohio State University, and the International Society for Taiwan Studies in Columbus, Ohio December 14-16, 1990. This first theme concerns the evolving nature of ethnicity in Taiwan; The second theme concerns the historical aspect of ethnicity in Taiwan; The third theme on Taiwanese ethnicity is the importance of state policy and its impact on ethnic formation. As political liberalization began to blossom in the late 1980s, ethnic mobilization began to play an increasingly imoprtant role in Taiwan social life; this constitutes the forth theme of this book.
客戶專線:02-27953656     客戶信箱:red0511@ms51.hinet.net
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