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DE-COINCIDENCE-Where Art and Existence Come From
作者:Fran?ois Jullien
定價:250 元
EAN : 9789869551991
叢書系列: Uni
平裝 / 296頁
40多年來,法國哲學家、希臘學學家和漢學家朱利安(Fran?ois Jullien),運用了中國語言的思想資源,重新審思並拓展歐洲思想。迄今,他出版了40多本論著,這些書已被譯成25種語言。他所建構的哲思概念已在法國、歐洲以及歐洲域外產生影響,不僅在思想領域,也在其他領域:藝術創作、企業管理、精神分析等等……引發了眾多迴響。 本書DE-COINCIDENCE《去相合》是他眾多哲學思想中的一個關鍵詞。此書含有英文翻譯版及法文原版。 De-coincidence Where Art and Existence Come From Two edges of the painting, along an oblique line, are unpainted (see the small painting done by a young Picasso in Barcelona). There are works of classical painting with areas left unpainted, but in this case the whole painting seems offset from its medium: it no longer coincides with the medium in the primary-geometric-sense of the term, where lines or surfaces align exactly when superimposed. In this painting we can detect a new possibility-as yet only hinted at-that begins to sap the whole edifice of what had come before in painting. The close-fitting adjunction, familiar and adequated, is undone, and in the undoing something unexpected and unthought-of surreptitiously emerges and comes to be. Such is the power of de-coincidence to unfurl. Artists ever since have been methodically applying themselves to the enterprise of de-coincidence. They have striven to undo the capacity for coincidence that lies at the core of art's previous apparatus-and specifically of representation (the observance of shapes and proportions as well as the demands of perspective, the reproduction of colors, and anything that produces resemblance), which they denounce as an illusion. The purpose of the enterprise, however, is not merely to establish a rupture with the past, to break free from constraints and norms, to mark out deviance or assert dissent-i.e., to denounce an adequation that smacks of conformity. As a concept de-coincidence goes back further, to the origin of the ?cart that made modernity and elucidates it in its principle. This while
Fran?ois JULLIEN, philosopher, hellenist, and sinologist, is professor and chair of the Department of Oriental studies at Universit? Paris-Diderot and chair of alterity at the Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme. He is one of contemporary philosophy's most widely translated thinkers. 朱利安是哲學家、希臘學學家暨漢學家,是巴黎迪特羅大學特級教授,也是巴黎人文之家基金會世界學研究院他者性講座教授。他是最常被翻譯成外文的當代思想家之一,其論著已經被譯成二十五種語文。 Pedro Rodr?guez is a writer and translator. He was born and raised in Miami, lived for a while in New York City, and now lives in Paris with his wife and son. He likes music, stories, science, drawing, cities, wilderness, training, and walking. 佩德羅 羅狄力茲,專職作家與譯者。 出生並成長於邁阿密。短暫待過紐約,現與妻兒定居於巴黎。 他享受音樂 各種故事 科學 繪畫 城市 荒野 鍛鍊或僅單純地步行
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