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Taiwan's Economic Security
作者:Ming-Hsien Wong
定價:420 元
EAN : 9789865608149
叢書系列: 專業叢書(PS)
平裝 / 289頁
Taiwan's Economic Security Since the 21st century, China's rise has become a fact, and People's Liberation Army has developed rather quickly. Thusso-called China's military rise has become the most challenging phenomenon in world politics. Regarding to its army building and readiness many studies have shown that the People's Liberation Army, in 2020, will form a complete (anti-access/area denial) capabilities, capable enough to turn China into a great military power in Asia-Pacific. It will have an impact on the Asia-Pacific regional stability, the cross-strait military balance, and under Untied States re-balance strategy. Under China's military threat, Taiwan must be innovative in terms of strategic thinking and concept. Contents Foreword Ming-Hsien Wong....................................................................................i Economic Interdependence and Taiwan's Economic Security Strategy Rong-I Wu...............................................................................................1 The Art of Nuclear Renunciation Yavor A. Kostadinov.............................................................................19 China-C?te d'Ivoire Relations: The Steps Forward Viviane Bayala......................................................................................55 Economic Integration in East Asia: Implications for Regional Security Taeho Kim...........................................................................................101 Regional Economic Integration in Asia: Assessing the Danger of Bubbles And Contagion David Kleykamp................................................................................. 115 The Changing Landscape of Taiwan-ASEAN Economic Relations: Value Chain Clustering in ASEAN Kristy Hsu...........................................................................................147 Trend and Determinants of Pan-Asian Economic Integration: Evidence from Regional Trade Statistics Jeet Bahadur Sapkot
翁明賢教授為德國科隆大學大學政治學系博士。經歷如下:淡江大學國際事務與戰略研究所所長、國家安全會議諮詢委員、台灣戰略研究學會理事長、國家安全會議張建邦諮詢委員辦公室專任研究員、美國國務院Fulbright Scholarship訪問學者。
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