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閩南─西班牙歷史文獻叢刊四:華語-西班牙語辭典Hokkien Spanish Historical Document Ser
作者:Fabio Yuchung Lee(李毓中), Tsung-jen Chen(陳宗仁), Jos?
定價:800 元
EAN : 9786269632558
叢書系列: 歷史文獻叢書
精裝 / 224頁
本份手稿現藏於義大利羅馬安吉利卡圖書館,為1604年耶穌會會士Pedro Chirino與菲律賓唐人合作編撰而成,作為西班牙人學習閩南語之用。手稿分成雜字與生活用語兩部分,前者依循閩南地區流行的《雜字》書籍內容,收錄日常使用的字、詞,後者則是摘錄當時唐人生活使用的句子,在這些用語之旁,加注西班牙文對應字與拼寫閩南讀音。此一手稿為現存所見最早的西班牙與閩南人語言交流的文本,為人類「世界記憶」(Memory of the World)的重要資產。 This manuscript is a collection of the Biblioteca Angelica in Rome, Italy. It was compiled by the Jesuit Pedro Chirino with collaboration of some Chinese people in the Philippines in 1604. The manuscript used by the Spanish for learning Hokkien is divided into two parts: a miscellaneous assortment of words and a list of daily expressions. The former follows the contents of zazi (雜字), a book that was popular in Southern Fujian, and contains words of daily life, whereas the latter is a selection of daily sentences. Beside the words and expressions, corresponding Spanish words and transcriptions of Hokkien pronunciation are also provided. This manuscript is the earliest known text regarding the linguistic exchange between the Spanish and the Hokkien people, making it a valuable asset of Memory of the World.
編者簡介 李毓中,清大歷史所副教授 陳宗仁,中研院台史所副研究員 Jos? Luis Ca?o Ortigosa,西班牙加的斯大學總體經濟系助理教授
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