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Hokkien Spanish Historical Document Series III: Espejo Rico del Claro Coraz?n-Beng Sim Po Cam 閩南-
作者:Fabio Yuchung Lee(李毓中), Tsung-jen Chen(陳宗仁), Jos?
定價:1200 元
EAN : 9789866116971
叢書系列: 人文叢書
平裝 / 352頁
《明心寶鑑》抄譯本收藏於西班牙馬德里國家圖書館,此書是十四世紀以來流行於東亞各地的書籍,為童蒙用書與善書,內容抄撮各種書籍中的嘉言警語,作為修身、行世之用。十六世紀下半葉閩南人至馬尼拉經商、住居,亦將此類日用書籍帶至馬尼拉。《明心寶鑑》抄譯本由西班牙道明會傳教士嗃呣??(Juan Cobo)與馬尼拉唐人合作抄譯,約完成於1590年前後,具體呈現大航海時代閩南人與西班牙語世界的交流過程與成果,為人類「世界記憶」(Memory of the World)的重要資產。 The translated transcription of the Beng Sim Po Cam was a collection of the Biblioteca Nacional de Espa?a in Madrid. A popular book that had been circulating in East Asia since the fourteenth century, it was used for children's enlightenment and moral guidance. It collected proverbs and warnings from various texts which were meant to cultivate moral character and advise on choices in life. When Hokkien people arrived in Manila in late sixteenth century for trade and settlement, they also brought books of daily use like this one to Manila. The translated transcription of the Beng Sim Po Cam was transcribed by Spanish Dominican missionary Juan Cobo with help from Chinese in Manila. It was completed around 1590, and it definitely presented the process and achievements of Hokkien-Spanish interaction during the Age of Discovery. It is also an important and precious asset of "Memory of the World" for the mankind.
李毓中,清大歷史所副教授 陳宗仁,中研院台史所副研究員 Jos? Luis Ca?o Ortigosa,西班牙加的斯大學總體經濟系助理教授
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