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知青頻道   宇河文化
K. T. Li And The Taiwan Experience
作者:Lutao Sophia Kang Wang
定價:500 元
EAN : 9789572988091
叢書系列: 清華大學叢書
精裝 / 250頁
Among the chief economic policy-makers, K. T. Li is the most influential in Taiwan during the second half of the twentieth century. He served in important positions and guided industrial development, economic and financial policies, tax reform and development of human resources, all of which are determinants of Taiwan's dramatic economic growth. This book is built upon a detailed oral history of K. T. Li, and is further supported by archival research and other interviews. It helps readers to understand K. T. Li as well as the process of economic policy-making in Taiwan from 1953 to 1988.
Lutao Sophia Kang Wang
客戶專線:02-27953656     客戶信箱:red0511@ms51.hinet.net
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