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定價:390 元
EAN : 9789573911029
叢書系列: 臺灣文學叢書
平裝 / 304頁
記錄家族的故事,平凡中的快樂,摯愛中的美麗。這些慷慨無私的分享,可以提供人們參考, 更撫慰了那些走過類似道路的朋友。藉由文字獻給社會大眾,表達祝福的感激之情,越有感恩情懷,生命就給更多的回饋。
李秀 袓籍澎湖,台灣高雄市出生,二○○二年以作家身分移居加拿大。專長鋼琴和繪畫,創作小說、散文、童詩、新詩、歌詞等多樣化書寫。在台灣和美國出版十七本著作,前十本以華文為主,後七本以台文、華文和英文為主。代表作長篇小說《井月澎湖》英譯版 《Penghu Moon in the Well》 分別參加法蘭克福、多倫多、台北等國際書展。目前從事英文、台文、華文、英譯。得過三屆高雄市文藝獎、吳濁流文學獎、府城文學台文獎、高雄文學台文創作獎、打狗?邑台文新詩獎、文藝協會文藝獎章、台灣省新聞處獎勵優良讀物、宏揚樂教獎、香港職青文藝獎等獎。 Louise Lee Hsiu was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, but her ancestors lived on the island of Penghu. After writing several successful books, Louise moved to Canada in 2002. Her first ten books are written in Chinese, and her last seven books are written in Taiwanese, Chinese and English. Louise's 17 books include novels, essays, poetry and children's poems. Her historic novel Penghu Moon in the Well was featured at the International Book Fairs in Toronto, Taipei and Frankfurt. She is currently writing in English, Taiwanese, Chinese and English translation. Louise has won more than a dozen Literature Prizes, and she is also an accomplished pianist and painter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英文編輯 : 加拿大作家Barbara Ladouceur,運用她豐富的編輯和教學技能,協助李秀的書《我是你的新娘》,譯成精美的英語。Barbara Ladouceur is a Canadian writer and editor who has published two books. She has applied her considerable editing and teaching skills to helping Louise translate her book into beautifully written English.
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