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TAIWAN:A History of Agonies(Revised and Enlarged Edition)
作者:王育德 編者:王明理
定價:500 元
EAN : 9786267076118
叢書系列: 台灣文史叢書
精裝 / 376頁
"Taiwan is not China. The Taiwanese are not the Chinese. Taiwan should be ruled by Taiwanese themselves." This long-awaited English version will be the foundation stone on which for the peoples of the world will deepen their understanding of the Taiwan affairs and the Taiwan-China relations. The US Presidential election having turned out as it did, the world is watching Taiwan closer and harder than ever before - now what happens to Taiwan? Taiwan is no part of China. Taiwanese are not Chinese. This book tells just that. The author, Ong Iok-tek, also a linguist, wrote this book while in exile in Japan to let the world know the truth of the history of Taiwan. Ardently read and reread over half a century since its publication, this book has come to claim its due status as the most authentic historical account of Taiwan that has affected many a Taiwanese. It goes and proves then that this book so vividly portrays the realty of Taiwan based strictly on nothing but scientific, objective truths. China's claim over Taiwan as its "territory" is totally groundless; nor has China any legitimate ground on which to annex Taiwan. That this book so eloquently appeals you as you turn the pages. Since the dawn of its history, the island of Taiwan has paved its own way apart from China. It did come under the severest illegal rule by the Chinese Kuomintang after the World War II, but the Taiwanese have proudly demonstrated their high level of national traits to singlehandedly recover a genuine democratic state of their own. Fully aware of Taiwan's geo-political importance, China has incessantly exerted every illicit means in an attempt to drag Taiwan into their sphere of power. Now is the time, more so than ever before, Taiwan stands as a fortress that all nations of the world must join together in its defense in the name of freedoms and democracy. Should Taiwan be once gulped into the dictatorial China, freedoms, human rights, and democracy we mankind have passe
Author Ong Iok-tek (1924-1985) PhD in Literature (Tokyo University) Professor of Meiji University, Department of Commerce Instructor in many Universities, e.g. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Founder of Taiwan Youth (forerunner of WUFI) Secretary-General of Council for Implementing Compensation for Ex-Japanese Soldiers of Taiwanese Ancestry 1924 Born in Tainan, Taiwan 1942 Graduated from Taihoku High School 1943 Entered Tokyo Imperial University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Chinese Philosophy/Literature (支那哲文?) 1944 Evacuated to Taiwan, served in City Office, Chia-yi 1945 Theatrical activities while teaching at Tainan First High School 1947 January, Got married February, 228 Incident; his elder brother Ong Iok-lim who was a prosecutor was killed by KMT government 1949 Took refuge in Japan 1950 Re-entered Tokyo University 1960 Completed graduate studies at Post-Graduate School, Tokyo University Founded Taiwan Youth (台?青年社), inaugurated its monthly organ Taiwan Youth (《台?青年》); devoted much of his time to Taiwan independence movement since then 1975 Founded Council for Implementing Compensation for Ex-Japanese Soldiers of Taiwanese Ancestry; appointed Secretary-General of the council and actively worked toward resolving this problem 1985 September 9, Deceased of myocardial infarction 2021 September 9, Ong Iok-tek Memorial Museum founded in Tainan City Publications: Taiwanese Common Vocabulary (Tokyo, Eiwagogaku-sha, 1957) Taiwan: A History of Agonies (Tokyo, Kobundo, 1964) First Step to Taiwanese (Tokyo, Furinshobo, 1972) Elementary Taiwanese (Tokyo, Nichu-shuppan, 1983) Taiwan Strait (Tokyo, Nichu-shuppann, 1983) A Historical Study of Taiwanese (Tokyo, Daiichi-shobo, 1987) The Complete Works of Ong Iok-tek (in 15 volumes) A Taiwanese Youth Who Lived Showa (Tokyo, Soshisha, 2011) Ong Iok-tek's Seminar of Taiwanese (Tokyo, Toho-shotenn) And numerous theses on Taiwan problem, linguistic
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