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Medical English for Clinical Purposes(臨床醫護英文)附MP3
定價:500 元
EAN : 9789574453337
叢書系列: 書林叢書
平裝 / 240頁
本書架構: ● 共分十六單元,符合學校課程設計需求 ● 針對各科別的常見症狀,發展單元內容 ● 每個單元內容,各分為八個部份: I. Learning Goal-詳列學習目標 II. Reading-閱讀單元介紹短文 III. ESP Words-學習醫護英文字彙 IV.Health Education-深入講解正確的醫療觀念 V. Related Web Sites-提供英文網頁資訊,供進一步檢索 VI. Vocabulary and Phrases-羅列相關重要單字及詞彙 VII.Sentence Patterns-簡要的句型文法提示 VIII.Exercise-選擇、填充及問答練習題 ● 書後有各單元Exercise解答及所有單字列表 ● 附課文及單字朗讀MP3 16 units, each with 8 elements 1. Learning Goals pathway to learning; preview of material 2. Reading articles about common diseases or clinical situation 3. Health Education variety of treatments, suggestions and extra essentials 4. ESP Words highlighted vocabulary - easy to find and remember 5. Related Web Sites searches, professional links, further reading 6. Vocabulary and Phrases essential words lists 7. Sentence Patterns important sentence structures, explanations and examples 8. Exercises review of material and instructor feedback Contents目錄 Introduction 1.Hip Disorder髖關節疾病 2.Breast Feeding母乳哺育 3.Gas in the GI Tract胃腸道脹氣 4.Enteroviruses腸道病毒 5.Novel Influenza (H1N1)新流感 6.Asthma氣喘 7.Acute Otitis Media急性中耳炎 8.Cardiovascular Diseases心血管疾病 9.Plastic Surgery整形手術 10.Oncology腫瘤學 11.Endometriosis子宮內膜組織異位 12.Urinary Incontinence尿失禁 13.Chicken Pox水痘 14.Diabetes Mellitus(DM)糖尿病 15.Dementia失智症 16.Acute Traumatic Brain Injury急性腦部創傷 ESP Words Index Answer Key
編輯群 主編策劃 黃金誠 編  著 王振玲、方淑慧、方月燕、吳伶芳、邱宜令、林麗櫻、 洪麗專、曹嘉秀、陳淑銘、陳少芬、蔡家梅、蔡瑤、 蔡綠蓉、廖怡惠、簡綺瑩、郭倩琳 (按筆劃順序) 英文編輯 Joel Stocker, Mo Reddad
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