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2009年LTTC國際學術研討會論文選集A New Look at Language Teaching and Testing:English as Subject and V
定價:420 元
EAN : 9789572876428
叢書系列: 書林叢書
平裝 / 335頁
The papers presented in this volume are a selection from the 2009 LTTC International Conference on English Language Teaching and Testing, hosted by The Language Training and Testing Center (LTTC) on March 6–7, 2009. The conference had “A New Look at Language Teaching and Testing: English as Subject and Vehicle” as a broader theme, although proposals for papers on other topics were also invited. By holding this conference, the LTTC aimed not only to facilitate dialogue among diverse groups of language experts, scholars, and practitioners, but also to provide a platform for participants to exchange innovative ideas and share up-to-date research findings on multifaceted topics in the field of English language teaching and testing.
為肆應中華民國經濟社會發展之特殊需要,研發辦理各項語言教學、訓練及測驗,設立本財團法人,並定名為「語言訓練測驗中心」,英文名稱為「The Language Training & Testing Center」。 The Language Training and Testing Center (LTTC) The institution now known as The Language Training and Testing Center (LTTC) was established in 1951 to provide intensive training in English for government-sponsored personnel who were preparing to go to the United States under technical assistance programs in place at that time. The LTTC has published a variety of publications related to language study and testing.
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