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知青頻道   宇河文化
Introduction to Chinese-English Translation: Key Concept and Techniques
作者:By Zinan Ye, Lynette X. Shi
定價:380 元
EAN : 9789574453498
叢書系列: 譯學叢書
平裝 / 224頁
This book addresses how to translate from Chinese into English. Part One discusses basic issues in translation. Part Two introduces ten essential skills with the help of actual translation examples. Part Three deals with more advanced issues such as metaphors, idioms, and text analysis. Part Four presents six texts of different types for translation practice. A sample translation is provided for each, and translation strategies are analyzed and discussed. ◎A practical, hands-on book for anyone involved in Chinese-English translation, including professional translators, interpreters, and advanced students ◎Full of examples, explanations, and exercises.
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