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dmp editions

於2016年發起,這是一個多重任務的計畫,涉及出版、策展、藝術指導、作品製作、吃飯和小睡片刻。主要任務為研究發展根基於藝術家創作實踐、工作方法和思想,然後另闢途徑作為一種變異的出版物。這計畫由 Shauba Chang 和 didi 主持,他們目前在台北和網路之間生活和工作。@dmpeditions

Initiated since 2016, It's a multi-task project involving publishing, curating, art direction, making artworks, eating and napping. Working on publications that are based on the artists’ central practice, their working methods and thoughts, yet deviated as an mutation. It's a project hosted by Shauba Chang and didi, both currently lives and works between Taipei and internet. @dmp.editions

客戶專線:02-27953656     客戶信箱:red0511@ms51.hinet.net
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